Wednesday 13 July 2011

Mandela Day

The great Nelson Mandela need no introduction except to the ones that are born about 2/3 years ago and globally he is an icon.  I am one of those who are proud to be South African and who look up to people like Madiba and say he is hero and a role Model.

The sacrifices from him including the 27 years spent in jail and the sacrifices of other freedom fighters for us to have a democracy and the opportunities we have today cant be measured, the day (Mandela Day) is for everyone to compromise 67 minutes to emulate what he did for us as South Africans, yes, were possible one can give more than 67 minutes to the community.

I encourage everyone to get involved and a bit that you contribute will come a long way and also change us as people to be better and more so the opportunity to be like the greats.

Share with us you activities on the day. Monday July 18th

Labour Brokers is not good for workers

The Labour Brokers

It is sad that even today we still talk labour brokers in South Africa and I support the Unions like NUMSA, Solidarity, etc. in the demand of total ban of this system of employment.  The people are being abused, robbed and they legal rights as employees are being ignored. 

Employer avoid their responsibility by employing labour brokers, yes some people are saying at least people are getting jobs because of labour brokerage but that is not true because labour brokers dong create employment but fill existing posts. There is a clear distinction between labour brokerage and employment agency, employment agency is just a recruitment and after linking a job seeker with the employer and receiving their commission they are through and the job seeker if employed is employed by the employer and not the agency whereas the Labour brokerage means the labour broker get a deal with the employers, labour broker is the employer and in most cases the rights of workers are ignored and they are oppressed.  Some people are saying there should be measures to regulate this labour brokerage instead of banning it, still the question is why should one be employed by a secondary employer to work for primary employer, why the middle men?

Sunday 13 February 2011

HIV Testing in schools

The issue of HIV Testing in schools is interesting and at the same time a concern.  The government say it is important for our kids to know their status early so that they can take necessary steps relevant to their status.  The different media carried information that the process of testing will start next month of which the Minister of Health says the information is wrong because they (as government) are still consulting with expert regarding the way the whole testing thing is going to be handled.

My concern is that we had plans before of which were very good and of good intention but the implementation was a flop.  We were so excited about the introduction of OBE but implementation was not such a success, even teachers accepted the fact that they were not given sufficient training in the implementation and some even went to an extent of saying they don’t understand what OBE is.
The implantation of NCV at the FET Colleges also an example of an implementation that is failing, we hope for success, this are just some of good plans and vision but coming to implementation we are left with a lot to desire. Our schools many of them don’t have resident Social Workers or Psychologists, so how is the issue of Pre/Post counselling going to be handled, yes some will say outsource but are we having the capacity? In terms of the kids themselves how are they gonna handle the news that they are positive? Just a matric fail lead many of young people to commit suicide, leaves some with mental illness and so on.  The confidentiality issue, how sure are we  that the kids status will remain confidential until such time when they (kids) decide to disclose? What I am saying here is lets not make a mistake of rushing or getting excited in introducing programs without proper plans, the example I mentioned above in failing to successfully implement are much better because kids as much as they are affected, its not like this one of testing for HIV status, a wrong implementation of this will surely destroy many of our future leaders.  We are eagerly waiting to hear how the government is going to roll out this plan.

A good intention but failure to implement will equal a disaster. This is my opinion, what are your thoughts? You are welcome to comment and your thought/comment is appreciated.

Thursday 10 February 2011

The State President's Speech

Today the President will giving his speech and we hope for positive speech that adresses the issue of Unemployment and Crime among others but we dont just need this in the content of speech we need specifics on plans and deadlines, say for example the the Governing party promises 5 million jobs by 2020, its better the plan is outlined on how we as a country we gonna achieve this.

Health, Education, Crime, Unemployment, etc. will surely feature prominently. Lets watch and listen to the speech and comment on it, whether it is positive and boost investor confidence and us as the nation. Let not forget the Budget Speech on the 23rd.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Nelson Mandela in Hospital

The news that the former President Nelson Mandela is being hospitalised is not good news.  Let us all take time out to pray for him, that he gets better and strong. I hope during the course of the day the Nelson Mandela Foundation will give a statement about his condition to avoid conflicting information from different media.  The ANC through their spokeperson says it is just a routine checkup, but this also is not an official statement as they leave the Foundation to give an official statement. We can't argue that because we do not have access to him. Speculation is not OK!

For me personally like mentioned in my profile, like many around the world, he is a role model and a hero.  So when you take time out to have silent moment, let him be part of your prayers.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Let's hear from you!

This blog is established to discuss issues that affect us on daily basis from Politics to Sports. Your comments on Post are appreciated and sometimes you might want to talk about something not posted, lets hear your opinion, views or ideas. Lets build an informed society and let be better people, help us grow and let us help you grow.

Don't forget the link to access Ideas & Opinions:

Other interesting blogs: {Issues concerning IT} {We talk Business}


The birth of the New Political Party, what does it mean?

Since the '94 our Political situation keeps being more interesting! Today we've seen the media briefing introducing the new Political party, the NFP of which majority of its members are obviously from the IFP. The establishment of this party, what does it mean?

I believe it is one thing that weakens the IFP terribly, the question is, will it survive the next 10 years? lets take the arears where IFP had strong hold more so in the KZN, will we be saying the same thing after the next municipal elections? the residents who voted for the IFP before will now be divided between the two Parties.  It means the ANC or other parties might gain strength in those areas. The other point is that some of the supporters will decide to join other parties outside the IFP or NFP meaning less numbers for both parties.
People had high hopes when COPE was formed and others went as far as saying it will be 'the main' opposition party in the country, today whats happening is the opposite of what some analysts predicted.
Please let me and others hear your opinion/views.

Matriculants needs help.

Our matriculants seriously need help in what careers to follow, sadly it is late in their educational journey but it is true that most of them are not sure of what careers to follow or different careers that exist despite the obvious ones. Only if enough was done in schools regarding this the situation, I think we would be in a much better position.  Yes, one would say Life Orientation is covering this aspect, it is not enough.

If you check them trying to register at different institutions you come to realise they are not sure of what is it they are talking about, they know the title, but zip of the content (what fields are about). Lets take as an example, IT, most would say they want to study Inforamtion Technology, it is one of the broad fields of which most arent even aware of this fact. One is intending to study end user computing (eg Office Package) only to find he/she registers for Programming only to be frustrated later on in the year. They visit different FET Colleges as they are ecouraged by the government, its good but the information on what is being taught at the FET's is of uttermost importance.

FET's are offering NCV's as Nated (N1 - N6) courses are being phased out, (Thanks some Nated are still being offered) NCV Level 4 is horizontal with Matric. Meaning a learner with Matric will study NCV for 3 years but at the end of the 3 years he/she is still at NQF Level 4, his/her peers who went to Universties ot University of Technology will be at higher NQF  after completing a three year qualification. Only in the middle of the year when they learn this information they start dropping out of the FET's. I am not saying learners should not do NCV but I am saying we should help them with the information so that when they register they know what they are registering for.

Some choose careers because of its fancy name or good perks, as much as they have to look into this they should also do something they love and have passion for so that when they start working later on, they should be excited to wake up to go for work. I sure could say mouthful, FET's was just an example to say lets help our learners!
Learnerships is still one of the best alternatives and Matriculants can visit different SETAs, government Departments among others to check available Learnerships. If you are a Matriculant visit the library or ask your teacher more info on things like Learnership. You can also holla at me, I'll be glad to help.